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This page contains general guidelines.  Follow the rules as explained by Disney Cast Members when trading in a Disney Park, Disney Resort, or Shopping District.

During phased re-opening of Disney Parks and Resorts, some pin trading rules have been adjusted to reflect public health advice.

As a general rule, Cast Members are no longer wearing lanyards for pin trading and the number of pin boards have been greatly reduced.


When you reach a pin trading station, there are several adjustments to the rules, including (but not limited to):

  • You may not ask to handle the pin unless you have traded for it.  Cast Members may bring smaller boards closer to you (such as up to the plexiglass barrier at a cash register) for you to see, but to reduce handling, they will not allow you to hold or examine the pin until the trade is complete.

  • You will usually be asked to put your pin being offered as part of the trade in a bin for it to be sanitized before being added to the pin board. Do not be offended if they clean the pin, as it is for public health reasons (it's not you).

  • Full social distancing rules are in effect.  This means you will  be expected to join the socially distanced queue to wait your turn and are not able to crowd other guests to see what they have.


All that said, there are new Hidden Disney pins available and the quality of pins being put on boards is high due to the reduced capacity on Disney properties.  This means that you may trade for some good quality, authentic Disney Pins, especially if you get there early before they are picked over by other guests.

Disney Pin Trading During COVID-19: About
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